When Will My Order Ship?
Most orders leave the warehouse within 2 - 5 business days. Orders placed with Expedited or Express shipping will leave our warehouse even faster. We'll email you tracking as soon as it's available.
Items that are on backorder will ship by the date indicated on the item page. We'll also remind you throughout checkout and on your order confirmation email if you've chosen one of these items and what their expected ship date is.
During COVID-19 we're seeing more carrier delays than usual, so we'd advise you to give yourself a bit of buffer time if you need an item or a gift to arrive by a certain date.
Shipping Options and Costs
Our shipping prices are based on the value of the items in your order and on the service level you choose. When calculating your total shipping time, please keep in mind that the day the package is shipped or picked up from our warehouse is not considered the first business day; start counting business days from the first full day that the package is “in transit” to you.
Note: business days are Monday through Friday, excluding weekends and Federal holidays.
Not sure which shipping option to choose? We know that can be confusing, so we'll give you all the information you need in checkout, including shipping cost and delivery dates.
*Shipping methods and time frames are subject to change. Please see shipping method options at checkout.